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Naomi Truong naomit9
💻 Web Dev student | 🧘Yoga teacher | 🐶 Dog lover | ☕Coffee Enthusiast


Reinaldo reipared
IT | Data Analyst | Digital Marketing

Dominican Republic

Daniel Popsuevich DanyPops
מכל מלמדי השכלתי
Noskill golanghack
THINK! Europe

Jane Anne JaneAnne218
A student who is learning from open source code. Aming at vue/vite/webpack/rollup/node.js ecosystem.


Elena K. lena341
I am a software engineer from Greece.

Benefit Software Pireaus Greece

Tristan Gibbs gibbsdigital
I'm interested in web development, mathematics, computer and data science. I often work at the intersection of mathematics and code.

California, USA


Constient Global Solutions Chennai

Korkit Choojam KorkitChj

orange technology solution company limited TRANG, Bangkok

mohammad alshraideh mohammadsh96
full stack web developer looking for a place where i can learn and achieve , with high skills in javaScript , html ,CSS , node js ,React js ,sql

LTUC Amman/Jordan

Mazdak Esmaeili iammazdak
I'm Unicorn Developer. 🦄

Iran, Gilan province

Buse Genç Mut busegenc
Full time mom 🪼

@Softtechas Antalya

koringz koringz

Freelancer ShenZhen,China