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bingle bingle625
cau sw 20 / XEHub (22.11~)


SHU shu030929


Beomseok Seo sbslc2000

Chung-Ang University Seoul, Korea

sunbin typingmistake

Chung-Ang University

Taeyang Kim chae1xxlos

Chung-Ang Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Ali Valiyev AliValiyev

Ozyegin University Ankara

Shuvo Podder shuvopodder
Love to learn and passionate to make new things.


Junhyung Park DogJHDOG

Chung-Ang University Republic of Korea

박장현/janghyeon park park-janghyeon

Chung-Ang University Republic of Korea

Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
🚀 Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Yewon Jeong ye-one222

CAU Seoul, South Korea

tthisag246 tthisag246
이동훈 ldh019

Chung-Ang University Seoul, Korea

Minkyung Kwak mikio999

Chung-Ang University Pangyo

cozy-hn cozy-hn
EisenLabs Developer

42Seoul South Korea, Seoul

Minseok Chang minseok128
A student in CAU-CSE | michang in 42seoul

CAU Seoul

Jongwon Youn korECM

@ausg @devsisters

Junyoung, Jang Amuguna

KAIST Seoul, Korea

karu karu-rress
Welcome back, this is Karu from Rolling Ress. mail: [email protected]

Rolling Ress South Korea

Jiwan Ahn synoti21
Engineer, to be a Pioneer.

@moloco Seoul

김신웅 Proverbs1603
AND NOW THESE THREE REMAIN: Faith, Hope, Love But the greatest of these is Love


Huseyn Hajiyev computerbox124
CEO of @CodeAny-inc

CodeAny, ADA University Azerbaijan, Baku

Jiwan Seo J1wanSeo
CAU EE students


Nathaniel ABEGUNDE Nathbobs
Interested in Self-Driving Cars. Currently learning C++, C and Java. I’m looking to collaborate on any beginner-friendly Java projects.

Studying CSE@Hanyang University Seoul Seoul

Unan unanchoi
$ unan

B.S. Mathematics in Chung-Ang Univ. Seoul

IlSang Park 1lsang

Hyundai Autoever Seoul

Subprofessor subprofessor
- Majoring in Mechanical Engineering - Learning Machine Learning

republic of korea

이주형 JuhyeongLee smilebank7

ChungAng University CSE 중앙대학교 소프트웨어전공 Suwon, Gyeonggi, KR 대한민국 경기도 수원시

Yongmin Yoo 유용민 yymin1022
Korean Solo Developer 대학생 1인 개발자 /

Chung-Ang University Dept. Software 중앙대학교 소프트웨어학부 Seoul, KR 대한민국 서울특별시

HoJoon Eum minusmo
"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection." - David Wheeler

TuneUpStudio Here

MinJun Choi theminjunchoi
Chung-Ang Univ. SW 21

@woowacourse 7th BE Seoul, Korea

Seokjoo Cho linuxlight