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Mikias Woldetensae MikiasHWT
I enjoy solving problems and i hope to build a professional career solving biological problems with the use of mechanical, computational and biological tools.
huangliangbo huangliangbo

BGI Yantian District,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

Alejandro Efraín Marín Peralta EfraMP
I like math, biology & comp. science Currently learning genomics & bioinformatics


Nikhil Patkar's Research Group at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center patkarlab
This is the github repository of Prof Nikhil Patkar's research group at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, India

Department of Hematopathology, Tata Memorial Center Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

DINESHR DineshRavindraRaju
Computational Biology | Molecular Modelling

Computational Biologist @ UTSW DALLAS

Samuel Terkper Ahuno sahuno
Epigenetics, repeat elements, generative models & causal inference. @mskgreenbaumlab

Weill Corenell Medicine New York

杨浩 haoziyeung

BerryOncology Beijing, China

Diana_Wang cpusummer-wdn
Treated me kind, sweet destiny.
Candace Savonen cansavvy

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Yue Shi melodysyue
Bioinformatics Scientist
Patricia Galipeau pattygalipeau
clonal evolution, genetic heterogeneity, WGS, genomics analysis tools, chromosomal instability, cancer prevention, Barrett's esophagus, project management
