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YU Yanhua YZJ0716
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/major in +School and Community Psychology

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hongkong

Aditia A. Pratama aditiapratama
I help Animation Studio deliver the works by streamline production pipeline | Animation Producer and CG Technical Director.

@Warnakala Studios Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Ziya Arslan ziya-arslan
Front-End Developer | React

Vigo Turkey

Founder of @Sparrowworks. I make games and apps in Godot (GDScript and C#). I also used to make stuff in Python and Lua.

Sparrowworks Poland

JM Torres Tedezed
Cloud architect, sysadmin, developer, maker and art lover

@CARTODB @GeographicaGS /home/spain/seville/utrera 🇪🇸

Gabriel Aplok gabriel-aplok
Full-Stack developer and Game developer.

@firewave-interactive Brazil, CE

kiyasui-hito RudyFisher7
Software Developer. Hobbyist game and mobile app developer, and fiction writer.
Evan Seltraeh
A long time enthusiast for the programming scene. I enjoy reverse engineering games and using what I find.

Kirkland, WA

Jeeco icebamboo97


Ryan Matthews mhaddy
12+ years global FinTech exp. Penchant for fostering intrepreneurship and innovation. Disrupts status quo and <3 ML.

Seattle, WA

Sblorg Sblorgotech
I might hate myself but at least I try


Timothy Ristau tristau
Software developer in the Washington, DC metro area.

Tyler Technologies Inc. Herndon, VA

Constantin Masson geekymoose
Game Engine Programmer

Ubisoft Paris

Fransérgio de Amorim Mota FransergioDev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e apaixonado por tecnologia.

codebit Franca-SP

Diamond diamonddevv
Making Minecraft Mods and Indie Games, and sometimes they work

DiamondDev Scotland

QingYun baiduwen3
Egret standing in snow.


Ayden G.W. MTadder

MTLaboratory 1 AU

Lennyi (Lenni Huopaniemi) lenny991
I make things

outergod Finland

brogan brogan89
🎮Game developer using C#🎮

@RocketWerkz New Zealand

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.
Digvijaysinh Gohil DigvijaysinhGohil
Creator of Cosmic roads, Game Dev, CG Artist, 3D Modeller, A Geek


N9 ninetailsrabbit
Nine tails, one unique rabbit.