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I am a Python developer , hacker 👨‍💻 ooh yeah 😄 and a lot of things i love to see how things work in depth, make things, break things and make things that
Lokmane BENAZIZA loulouontop
Everything is connected 👽

Algérie Telecom Algiers

Igor Nunes igortrust
A technology enthusiast with a passion for solving complex problems and automating processes.


Loiseau2nuit Loiseau2nuit
40-something / IT guy / Former web frontend developer (SPIP french CMS expert) / Yet Another Linux Guy / Everything Rock'n Roll radio host

A city hall somewhere in France Angers

Wesley Sampaio Wesley-Sampaio
Acadêmico em Sistemas de Informação pelo IFG - Câmpus Inhumas

Goiás Turismo - Agência Estadual de Turismo Goiânia, Goiás

Vinnceros vinnceros
It's time I start giving back to the IT Community that I have learned so much from.


Adelino Pereira adelinopds
ADS: 3/6 - Dev Fullstack, Linux, JS, REACT, MONGODB, DOCKER

Analista de sistemas / Diniz supermercados juazeiro do norte, CE - Brazil