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Ayush Agarwal AyushAgarwaal
Full Stack Developer || BTECH || CSE || @Ex-LambdaTest

LambdaTest Noida

Isaac joshua zaksta1
I got no Mac lol this is the instrument uses r on wrong phone

[email protected] new zealand

Kartikay Sharma karikay18
Full Stack Developer | Cloud Enthusiast

Lambdatest Noida

Always eager to embrace new technology, dedicated to finding innovative solutions that improve efficiency and quality. #SoftwareTesting #AutomationTesting.
Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Dennis Mbithi D-Mbithi
Someone with passion for technology and innovation

Nairobi, kenya

Md Zahed Alam Zahedcse
SQA Engineer || Manual Testing || Automation Testing || Selenium || Pytest || Python || API Testing || POSTMAN

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dinesh Talwadker dinxsh
software engineer @zeropsio • community @codrion • open for freelance work 💰

@zeropsio @codrion Ahmedabad, India

MILAN SURAS milansuras
DevOps Engineer @stackgenie

Stackgenie Trivandrum

Vedarius A. Russell YoutacRandS-VA
Youtac R&S Vedarius Russell shutthehelldown Sagittarius Vedarius AR November

Youtac R&S Kansas City, Missouri

Blaze geekwolverine
Full stack developer. Passionate about coding and curious to learn new technologies.
Vicky Kumar imvickykumar999
Never feel low due to what others say to you; have self-confidence.

@IIITBangalore Noida, Delhi NCR

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Adem Gokce ademgokce
As a DevOps and Automation Engineer, I specialize in developing and implementing automated workflows and CI/CD pipelines.


Rajneesh Mishra rajneesh069
BTech ECE - IIIT Kota'25 || Open Source Enthusiast || Learning Web Development

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 302017

Ranisha Rajagopalan Girija Ranisha19
Automation Engineer | AI Enthusiast | Enhancing Operational Efficiency Across Diverse Sectors | ISTQB Certified | Data Analytics Specialist
Sukharanjan Jana Sukh767
Coding in progress.... pushing boundaries ^_-

Ekojikoko Oghenemudia eccopeters
Passionate Full Stack Developer | Proficient in Web Design, JavaScript, Next.js, React, Java, and Go - Experienced in building robust and scalable web applic
Swastik Baranwal Delta456
Open Source Developer

@lambdatest Delhi, India

gunk1n gunk1n

Voronezh, Russia

Sanjai Kumar sanjai0py
Software Engineer @usebruno

@usebruno Tamil Nadu, India

Fernando Bold yello-genai
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Rio de Janeiro

Gaudencia Mason KislapCollections
Founder of KisLap Collections. New developers.

KisLap Collections United States