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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Federico G. Schwindt fgsch
Code makes me happy.

Cambridgeshire, UK

astrolemonade astrolemonade
Learning to create stuff with stuff
Zhou Xu IMBalENce
Microscope scientist at Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy. Enthusiastic in coding, designing and machining.

Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy Melbourne

Viper Worx ViperWorx
UK Based 3D Printer company,

Viper Worx Nottingham, UK

Robert Bricheno rbricheno
I work supporting Network Systems. Some of the things here may be work related. A.k.a. rwhb2

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Jeremiah Watts jfwatts
I talk to computers

Nashville, TN

Killa_Prints Killajoedotcom
Just a maker like anyone else. Learning as I go with the help of the maker community. Thanks to all of you for influencing me.

Killa Prints California

MandicReally MandicReally

MandicReally Philadelphia, PA

Pedro Lamas pedrolamas
Software Development Consultant, tinkerer that loves automation, OSS contributor!

@AmpleRoads London, United Kingdom

Georg Mierau georgmierau
Mathematics and computer science teacher.

Germany, Düren

JOEatZIVIZ3D jdiviz14
Hey, I'm Joe. I make digital designs and translate them into physical objects. #3Dprint #Laser #Design #Prototype #Machine

ZIVIZ3D Barrington, IL