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Bioinformatician postdoc, EPFL, University of Zurich, Children's Hospital Zurich, @SwissPedHealth-PipelineDev

EPFL, UZH, KISPI Switzerland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Amadou DIALLO popodras
Bioinformatics Data Scientist
Zepeng Qu quzp
Stem Cell Researcher
Grayden Scovil Shadowpatriot9
A nerd from Colorado loving everything about tech and space.

SAIC Boulder, CO

Maykhel De Leon maykhel-deleon
AI Builder at BIKAL Tech UK

Bikal Tech UK United Kingdom


CCR Genomics Core, NIH Bethesda, MD

Thomas Phung thomasphung
U.S. Digital Corps Software Engineer Fellow (personal + professional projects)

CDC/OAMD Interwebs

Elizabeth Hutchins e-hutchins

@datatecnica Phoenix, AZ

Ashish Nayak ash399
HPC & AI Engineer
Yoshitaka Inoue inoue0426
PhD Student at the University of Minnesota. Pre-Doc fellow at Biomed Institute

Bethesda, MD

Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
The Engineer, Founder <⚡> Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI | AI for Masses | Breaking Barriers and Boundaries

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

Junyan Xu alreadydone
PhD in Math, working on Lean's mathlib4 and formalization of FLT. Interested in autoformalization and AI for mathematics.

Heidelberg / Shenzhen

Claire Weber cemalley
I'm a bioinformatician and statistician at NEI, part of the NIH. PhD George Mason University. Special Volunteer at NCATS NIH.

National Institutes of Health Besthesda, MD

Mike T Connelly michaeltconnelly
National Human Genome Research Institute Coral holobiont evolution, host-microbe interactions, immunology and stress responses

National Human Genome Research Institute Bethedsa, MD

Adena Collens acollens
Evolutionary Microbiologist. 2nd Year Ph.D. Student at University of Maryland Prev. Bioinformatician @SchlossLab

University of Maryland

Kelly Sovacool, PhD kelly-sovacool
Bioinformatics Software Engineer

@CCBR Remote from Michigan, USA

Mir Junaid mirjunaid26
Scientific Computing Consultant (AI/HPC)

University of Duisburg-Essen Cologne Bonn Region, Germany

Dennis dmichalak

Washington, DC, USA

Brandon Klein BKthePerson
Self taught coder who loves using computing to help solve tractable issues! Interests include reading, running, and tech in general.
Paul L. Maurizio mauriziopaul
Bioinformatics Scientist at the NIH. Former postdoc at UChicago, Barreiro lab. PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology with @williamvaldar & Mark Heise.

NIAID Bethesda, MD

teeny system engineer
Trey Saddler tosaddler
Contractor working at NTP/NIEHS. Using R, Python and Quarto for data science web applications.

Data Scientist at DTT/@NIEHS (Axle Informatics Contractor) Durham, NC

Joydeep Mitra j-mitra

NYU Langone School of Medicine New York, NY

Charlie Peterson charliecpeterson
Research Scientist and High-Performance Computing Expert. Currently at UCLA

UCLA Santa Monica

Valentyn Bezshapkin valentynbez
MD, PhD student in Bioinformatics. Studying massive genomic datasets and producing software to do it better.

Sunagawa Lab @ ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Mervin Fansler mfansler
R Team @conda-forge. Postdoc in Cvejic Lab, BRIC, UCPH. PhD from @Mayrlab MSKCC. scUTRquant creator. Reproducible research enthusiast.

BRIC, University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA


Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

William McCann wmsci
PhD Student in Computational Biology at Queen's University Belfast. Interested in unconventional cancer antigens.

QUB + @AilseBio Belfast, Northern Ireland

Carlos Frederico Bastarz cfbastarz

INPE Cachoeira Paulista/SP, Brasil

hoho2b chAwater
Fun Hunter | Biotech PhD | Data Painter | Deep Learner

Beijing, China

Ye Hyacinth Meng HyacinthMeng
Life is beautiful---点燃生命之火、纵享丰富人生; Research fileds:Immunology 、Molecular biology、Statistic、Computational Biology
Ju-young Shin DENGARDEN

COSMAX BTI Pangyo, South Korea

Jacob K. McPherson JacobKMcPherson
Health is wealth, knowledge is power, kindness is free
Most of my stuff is in private repos