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Ana Paola anassauro
Estudante de Engenharia da Computação na Escola Politécnica, membro da @SkyRats, equipe de drones inteligentes da Universidade de São Paulo.

São Paulo - Brasil

Gustavo Soares GusttavoSoares
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

São Paulo

Luis Eduardo Lima Luidooo
Software Engineering Student at UnB

UnB - University of Brasília Brasilia, Brasil

Enzo Costa Bizinoto EnzoCBiz
USP student and member of Skyrats

Skyrats São Paulo

Renato da Silva Ferreira RenatoFerreira02
Electric Engineering undergraduate student at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. Member of the Software team at @SkyRats.

@SkyRats São Paulo

Isabela Brendel Belabrendel
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação na USP
Felipe Beserra Beserrovsky
Overall, curious

São Paulo, Brasil

Vânia Laime VaniaLaime
Student of Computer Engineering at USP Poli and finished the technical systems development course.Focused Startups ,ML and competitive program

code in @ZimaUSP São Paulo,SP-Brasil

Maysam Torabi maysam
Software Developer

Eyelevel Schweiz AG Basel, Switzerland

Caio hfcaio

Skyrats São Paulo

Bruno Andreoni Sarmento b-andreoni
Desenvolvedor de Software de Robótica em Skyrats Drones e Pesquisador bolsista da USP em Swarm Computing
Jose Álvarez jalvarez96
Telecommunications engineer and technology enthusiast.

Galicia (Spain)

Leonardo Dias leopers
Double degree student @ ITA + École Polytechnique
Bárbara_Bueno Buenobarbie
Computer Engineering student at the University of São Paulo
Engineering student at University of São Paulo. Member of @SkyRats team.
Felipe Nunes fnalmeidap
B.Sc. student of Computer Engineering at CIn/UFPE.

@robocin Pernambuco, Brazil

Tiago Takeda tiagotakeda
Electrical Engineering undergrad in Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo - captain of @SkyRats autonomous drones team.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Felipe Cardenas Lima Namour FeCLN
@SkyRats | Hardware and electronics manager && Electrical engineering student - Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo


Lívia Soler LiviaSoler
Mechatronics Technician. Engineering Student at University of São Paulo. Chief Mechanical Projects Specialist at Skyrats - Autonomous Drone Team.
RafaGil printRafaelprog
- Eletrical engineer student at University of São Paulo - Hardware member of SkyRats
Lucas Bertan bertanbee
Computer Engineering student at the University of São Paulo || Founder of AgroPoli || IPT TT-1

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Pedro Pimentel Fuoco pedro-fuoco
Robotics Engineer. 2022 Head of Software development team at Skyrats - Autonomous Drone Team.

USP - Universidade de São Paulo

Igor Pontes Tresolavy ipTresolavy
Computer Engineering Graduate Student at RWTH Aachen.

Aachen, Germany