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Aahnik Daw aahnik
computer science undergrad

@aahniks India

Asif Waliuddin awaliuddin
while (alive) { evolve.innovate.learn; } Open Source | Serverless | AI/ML | XaaS Accelerator

@VIP-Destiny Chicago

DevRel @virtuals_io | Community Member @openguildwtf | working with open source community web3 + AI

Manila, Philippines

Meryem mebenyahia
"Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill


Ajith ajithvcoder
I like working in MLOps for large-scale systems

Wipro Earth

Gabriel de Souza Alves gabrielsouza95
computer science bachelor and embedded system developer


Rodrigo dos Santos Felix felixrodrigo19
Hi, I'm Rodrigo, a Backend Software Engineer. My passion is to continuously expand my knowledge and adopt new technologies and methodologies.

Cotefacil Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil

Vamshi Krishna S VamshiKrsna
ML Engineer | LLMs and Gen AI


Katherine Weston Katherine-Holland
Feed the Algorithm.


Shreyas S Zhreyu
GSoC'24 @ Emory BMI | Deep Learning


chaima chaimaaskri
AI Engineer @ AMZISS | Machine Learning, LLMs, GenAI, Chatbots | Building innovative AI solutions .
PhatLeCute2k4 PhuocPhat1005
Hello guys, my name is Lê Phước Phát, as you can call me PhatLe💖 for short. I'm majoring in IT👌. My dream is to become an AI Engineering🖥.

CoTAI Ho Chi Minh City

Yash Iyengar YashIyengar
Data Engineering and Data Science enthusiast with a Master's degree in Data Analytics from the National College of Ireland

Merative Dublin, Ireland

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ayham Bouhamdan ayhamsbh
Computer Science Student at Notre Dame University - Louaize
Fabio maxsampa


Alejandro Mantilla AlejoJamC
Master’s student in Artificial Intelligence. Evolving from Software Developer to AI Engineer with a focus on BackEnd + AI-powered Solutions

The Netherlands

Abed MAATALLA abedmaatalla
I'm software developer. Love technology, solution oriented and love solving problems.
id-2 id-2


Onur Oduncu 0nur0duncu
Pamukkale University - Student
CristianMB cristianBMJ
I am a physicist with a specialization in Data Science and Engineering
Alfredo Serafini seralf
"don't mind the rust, don't rust the mind"

serendipity expert Rome, Italy

Rodrigo Soares Wurdig rwurdig
Data Engineer and Civil Engineer.


Doru Ambrus doru31

DoiSoftTech Romania

Luis Okech luisokech
Data Scientist | Unveiling Insights, Empowering Decisions | Machine Learning Enthusiast



Sao Paulo, Brazil

Jayant Verma jayantverma2809
Generative AI | Machine Learning | RAG | Software Development | Python


Aagam Chhajer AagamChhajer
SRMIST'26 Chennai,India