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(Thiru)malaesh Ashokkumar arths-git
Roboticist. Researcher. Contributor to @TrossenRobotics


Miheer Diwan miheer-diwan
Bridging the sim-to-real gap

@TrossenRobotics United States

张志诚 we3ew

淘宝 中国浙江杭州

Aniket Patil aniketmpatil
Robotics (ROS2 / C++) Intern, Trossen Robotics | C++/Python | Computer Vision | Deep Learning | MS Robotics Engineering WPI, MA

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Chicago, IL

Piskoooh Piskoooh
Graduate student in Fukusige Lab. Department of Business Design and Management Waseda Univ.

Fukushige Lab Japan

Luke LukeSchmitt96
Robotics Software Engineer

Trossen Robotics (@Interbotix)


@TrossenRobotics, @Interbotix Downers Grove, Illinois