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Will liuzhiqi71
Business Analyst | Data Analyst
Theresa twohlever

@dnanexus Pittsburgh, PA

jerome prakash JEROME-PRAKASH-L
🚀 Innovator | Aspiring Space-Tech Entrepreneur | CSE Student Passionate about space, technology, and innovation. Always exploring new ideas and building cre


Bob Rock brock1337


Sloane Ortel 🏳️‍⚧️ srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

Yuki (Yingxue) Ao aoyingxue
she/her. INTJ-A. DataViz Enthusiast. Business Analyst. Blogger. Music Curator. Traveler.

Westwell Shanghai

Taylor Johnston johnstont05
Visual Data Journalist @cbs-news-data

CBS News D.C.

Arijit Sen as9934
Investigative Data Reporter @ CBS News

CBS News

Alexandra Harris alexandramharris
Newsroom Developer


David Paiz-Torres davidpaiz-torres
Journalist in New York City. You can probably find me somewhere drinking coffee.
hebe cyber-hbliu
GISer, Urban Analyst, Shutterbug

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Wenting Song wtsong

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Ayuka Kawakami AyukaAK
Investigative Data Journalist. Lede Program 2022, Columbia Journalism School.

Brooklyn, NY

Pontus Jensen Karlsson wolfhechel
Data aficionado with one foot in journalism and the other in software engineering.


Kevin Woo kevwoo
I am a data science enthusiast and pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science and statistics.

New York, NY

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Jeremy Pinnix jpinnix
Product Builder creating software for 40 years Current: XOi, Pixelgrazer, The Purpose Hotel, 😎redacted😎

Pixelgrazer Tennessee

Lenny Pham lennypham

Tetra Tech Chantilly, VA

Jake Neenan jakeneenan
Recent Columbia J-School grad. Computer-assisted reporter, as they used to say.

Freelance LA

Baris Gencyilmaz BarisGencyilmaz
A learner.

Eskisehir, Turkey

deadflowers deadflowers
Founder, entrepreneur, serial prototyper and experiment-ooor. Absolutely not Ray Kooyenga.

@rkooyenga California

Karol Niewiadomski karylsienn
Researcher at University of Twente. Previously Research Associate in Data Science at @PrecisionManufacturingCentreUoN, @ggiemr and @cinkciarzpl.

University of Twente Enschede, NL

Eren Turkmenoglu erenturkmenoglu
I am new to developing and coding, trying to learn through experimenting...

Shandong Province,China

Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Brian Mackey bemackey
I host the public radio program "The 21st Show," which can be heard on seven NPR stations across Illinois.

@willpublicmedia Springfield, Illinois

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC