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why why2cs
前汽车BIW行业从业者, 现菜鸟程序员。


A happy person hyxhope
Keep alive. Be healthy.

Beihang University. Zhejiang, China

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Uzair Aslam uzairaslam437
Full Stack Web Developer | Exploring the World of TECH.


YiMIng pym96
Master, Robotics and Computer Vision

Shanghai University

chengyj ouyiyun

越凡创新 成都

Souhaib Louda souhaiblou
PhD Student (Mobile Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence)

Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 1 Setif, Algeria

Cihat Kurtuluş Altıparmak CihatAltiparmak
Istanbul Technical University - Computer Engineering
Intelligent Robotics Lab-CBNU; Focus: State estimation, Visual-Inertial system, SLAM, and Control system

CBNU Korea

Autumn60 Autumn60

TIER IV, Inc. Japan

Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

LucianZhong lucianzhong


Qingchen Bi qingchen-bi
Ph.D. candidate at Nankai University

NKU Tianjin China

Jaeseung Yu emeraldpastel

Gachon University, AMSL Korea, South

Feiyu Xiao feiyuxiaoThu
Citizen, Husband, Dad, and Robotics Evangelist. Former researcher intern in @ToyotaCRDL and student in SVM in @Automobile-Crash-Lab

Tsinghua University Haidian, Beijing

Meiji University, Autonomous Mobile Systems Laboratory (AMSL)

@amslabtech Tokyo, Japan

江流 Current-River

Guangdong University of Technology GDUT