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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Luis Ernesto LFrench03
Modus Ponens

University of Havana @matcom La Habana

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Carlos Manuel Gonzalez cmglezpdev
Software Developer, Computer Science Student, AI Dev Enthusiast Solopreneur from Cuba

Dara's Services La Habana, Cuba

Daniel Machado Pérez DanielMPMatCom
Computer Science Student, MatCom, UH

La Habana, Cuba

Javier Alejandro Lopetegui González jlopetegui98
Master-MVA ENS - Paris Saclay

ENS - Paris Saclay Île de France, France

Raudel Alejandro Gómez Molina raudel25
Software Developer/Computer Science Student @matcom University of Havana


Jesús Enrique Fuentes González gaspect
Passionate about the world of technology and education, I am a dedicated programming language teacher. My mission is to introduce new skills on the student camp


Ro González Avensen
It's true, I have a soul of a poet, I just can't remember where I put it.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd Plantation, FL

Darío Fragas dfg-98
CS student at Havana University


Alejandro Piad apiad
Professor (Auxiliar) at @matcom, University of Havana. PhD in Computer Science. Democratizing ML via @autogoal, working on cNLP at @ehealthkd.

University of Havana (@matcom) La Habana

Solji Charón Peña sooolji
Computer Science Student at University of the East (UO)
ehorta 3horta
Computer Scientist. Professor at @matcom.

University of Havana Havana, Cuba

Javier Domínguez dmguezjaviersnet
Computer Scientist | Software Developer

Havana, Cuba

Leandro Simil similCode
Automation engineering student, passionate about software development. I love the subjects related to web development

La Habana, Cuba

Carlos Bermudez Porto cbermudez97
Bachelor of Computer Science at University of Havana.


Daniel DanielUH2019
CS graduate


Leynier Gutiérrez González leynier
Head of Engineering & Founding team member at @educup • CS graduate at @matcom

@educup @lynot

Andres Segura-Tinoco ansegura7
CS PhD student in the IRG at UAM. My research interests are in: XAI, ML, RecSys, NLP, Argument Mining and Information Retrieval.

Bogotá, Colombia