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shubham kumar Shubhamchan
I'm currently pursuing B-tech from IIT BHU.

Bihar sharif Nalanda(India)

Kriti Upadhyay kritiup
Always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

juan ignacio juanignacioFG
junior web app developer DAW visualstudio , eclipse, html, css , javascript , git , java, sprint framework, maven, agile method , scrum, kanban, jira


Lou McDonald LouMcDonald

Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge, MA

Marshal Miller marshalmiller

Northampton Community College Bethlehem, PA

Nick Sweeting pirate
@ArchiveBox@Monadical-SAS ⑊ Python ⑊ JS ⑊ devops ⑊ archiving ⑊ systems & networking ⑊ security ⑊ bicycles

@ArchiveBox Oakland, California

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Karan Arora KaranArora-CSE

@brihat-infotech Delhi, India

alakabv alakabv


Chelsea Johnson cbj0hns0n
Principal Engineer, Applied Social Media Lab @ Harvard. Previous: Engineering at Tiny News Collective, Salesforce, and Tableau.

Seattle, WA

Sam Shireman saihla

Applied Social Media Lab, Harvard

Donald James Ross Fulgrim3
studying Computer Science, and close watcher of the NJ/MA/FED budget.

Tozzer Library Cambridge, MA

Chris Finck cfinck27

@berkmancenter Harvard University

Andrew Lawrence andrewelawrence

Tufts University Boston MA

Aurélien Goutsmedt agoutsmedt
I am a historian of economics and I work on the history of macroeconomics and economic expertise since the 1970s, using quantitative and qualitative methods.

UCLouvain Belgium

Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


Avi Yashchin aviyashchin
Data-driven founder. 2x exit in Public Markets. Dad. Human. Ex Carbon and Climate activist @ Engine1, Two Sigma & IBM Watson Research.

United States

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth

Zupair psduffy
Enterprise & Hobby
Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
Parama Pia Pal parama
Systems and AI Research

MIT CSAIL: @csail

athina AthinaKyriakou
@DDIS-UZH ♪♫♬ | Prev: EECS NTUA, MPI-SP, Amazon

University of Zurich Zurich

Yoni Nachmany yoninachmany
Head of Data Engineering @myzeus
