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Kazım Akyol KazimAkyol
I am currently training as a full-time Full-Stack Web Developer. My goal is to develop myself in this field in the best way possible and work on current project

Berlin, Germany

Suleyman SURUCU suleymansurucu
Flutter Developer

New Jersey

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

AyishaGisel ayishagisel

Giants Like Us United States

Emirhan Ülgen emugre42
Computer Science Graduate Data Science Python, Java, JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook.


MNH mnh020
learning to code
Imren Rahbay ImrenR
Aspiring full-stack developer currently in training, passionate about building dynamic and efficient web applications. Exploring new technologies and sharpening


Ahmet YAVUZ yavuzahmet1
Software Developer


Sümeyye BALKAYA SumeyyeB
Currently pursuing Full Stack development training, focusing on frontend technologies, and planning to dive into backend soon! 📚💻🌱


isaaydin isa-aydin
👋 Hi, I’m İsa AYDIN 👀 I’m interested in AWS & DevOps 🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps tools 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any topic about DevOps
Abdullah Yilmaz abdullahyilmaz0
Cloud & DevOps Engineer
