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Gabriel morin Sarah anonymepada

MC rtp1 rip Rock machine Québec

Mosab Ibrahim mos3abof
Self-taught software/systems engineer; <3 persistent distributed systems (esp. databases), linux, and open source. Previously @facebook, @twitter, @gocardless.

United Kingdom

Jay Jaypatil25

Newton School of Technology Mumbai

ali sharifi alisharify7
Just a Normal Developer :)) @free-programmers and flask-captcha2 and others

Treata Software IRAN Alborz Karaj

SOMESH NAYEK Somesh-nayek
👨‍💻 Aspiring Full Stack Developer | MERN & Next.js Enthusiast | 🎓 B.Tech in Information Technology | Proficient in DSA (C/C++) | 💡 Passionate about building


Troy Moses Mugabi TroyMoses
I'm a tech enthusiast and passionate about it.

@webbuniv @AgricHub Bugema University

Matt Thomas mcthomas

Frontier Design Group 🟡 h i c🔺g🔹

Aditya EmaniAditya
Web Development Intern @kodagians (KODAAC)


Y. Meyer-Norwood norwd
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pawfect Grooming And Pet Handling School Cherbear63

Pawfect Grooming And Pet Handling School Idaho

Aryan Jain gitsofaryan
Fullstack Developer ● SOB-prep'25 @SummerOfBitcoin


Ryan Vieira rhyzzor
Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.

São Paulo, Brazil

Varshith-yadaV Varshith-Yadav
In Polaris school of technology .

India , Bengaluru

Stanislav1975 Stanislav1975

Rozne Veci Slovensko

Shubham Bhat bhat-shubham
IT Engineering Student Passionate About Cyber Security And The World Of Programming

@codexclubpdea Pune

Archit Gupta ArchitGupta07
👨‍💻 Archit Gupta Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer I'm a Computer Science graduate with a specialization in Data Science from Shiv Nadar University