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Sen Gupta Sen-Gupta
CTO at Experiom India, CMS Architect with more than 15+ years in Experience Platforms and eCommerce. Trained/Consulted organizations globally.

Experiom (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India

Yvan Brunel YBTopaz8
I'm a Software Developer, mostly working on C# .NET MAUI Applications for Desktop/Mobile, SmartWatch, Android TV , Blazor Hybrid.

Montréal, Canada



ZukoTetyana Techyana
Program or be programmed

techyana Cape Town

Cosmin Irimescu irimescucosmin
ASP.NET Core, C# ❤️ SOLID | CQRS | DDD 👍 Jenkins | Docker | Kubernetes | Helm 👍

ORS Srl Italia

Robert Hurlbut rhurlbut
Principal Application Security Architect @ Aquia, Threat Modeling Leader, Trainer

United States

Drew Heyworth juryrigcoder
Technical Lead Developer for a UK Gov arms length organisation, working on web projects and systems integration.


Hung Doan hung-doan
Geek Geek Guy Get Geek Geek' Goal


Mulyana Mulyana01
I Only EMploye

PT. Twin Irsyad Dev Cibucil


Bütema AG Bietigheim-Bissingen

Edmund kipkiruiedmond
Blockchain Developer

Area 51, Nevada

Leonildo Mazenda LeoMazenda2
Hi, I´m with new account
Dora Aumada Intelli-tech1
Creating and developing in a organization can be very difficult but with the creator's of Github you can honestly reach your GOALS!!! #1 Recommended 😺🤖🚀


Emre Şahin emreesahiiinn
Software Developer


Rafael Aguero Baez NeshGogo
I am a software engineer skilled in Angular, ASP.NET with C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, and SQL, building efficient and dynamic web applications.
Amirhossein Ranjbaran AHosseinRnj
Still learning 💻

Tehran, Iran

Rodrigo Castro rzavalik


Kb KBitLogic
I make go beep
Mateusz emskypl
Software engineer specializing in .NET and web development.

Bydgoszcz, Poland

Babak Taremi babaktaremi
C# and .Net enthusiasm

Tehran, Iran

Mizael Douglas MizaelDouglasDeMello
Mobile Developer Android and IOS | Kotlin | Swift | Java | C# | PHP | SQL | SqlServer | MySql
Dacheng successgo
Happy Hacking


Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Farzaneh Gholian FarzanehMG
I am Farzaneh, interested in learning software development using Microsoft technology stack (like C#, Core, EntityFramwork core).

Tehran, Iran

Kaizhi Xuan xkz1994

semix China Changzhou

Robby robbyroesbeke
.NET Developer


Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
👨🏾‍💻|| FullStack Developer❤️ 👤||Fellow at THE ROOM 👨🏾‍💻 📚|| IT Student 📍||

Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire