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Marcel Partap eMPee584
Open Source Mechatronics 💚♻️

Open Source Ecology Germany Dresden.EU

Adam Busbin busbina
Intensifying Forward Firepower

Seattle, WA

shakur erdincay
curl "" | grep -e 'clone_url*' | cut -d \" -f 4 | xargs -L1 git clone --recursive --recurse-submodule


Max maxwell-kalin

nuke agency Erf

Jinosh jinosh05
A young developer, who never quit learning. Success can never be achieved in a day, you will fail only when you quit.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Working as a model-based design software engineer in the automotive industry; studied mechatronics eng / finance ; interested in embedded software development
Max Morev max0l0gy
| Software Craftsmanship enthusiast | Java Senior | CTO in BigCorp The goal is to design application systems the right way and simple


Nikita Nikitf777
I want to develop games. Godot (GDScript), C#, C++
Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Tariq West tariqwest
Full Stack Software Engineer. Language, framework, and platform promiscuous, but Javascript inclined.

Freelance Washington, DC

Leo leomaybe

@OK-GG Sydney, Australia

Chuck B cbarnettx
I like to eat my own burgers

Some Company™ US

Sebastian Talauer
Although my formal education is in tourism, I have dedicated a significant portion of my free time to developing my skills in frontend programming & databases.

Vibo Valentia, Calabria. Italy.

Deepak WHO53

Rajasthan, India

TorPix torpix

Somewhere in space or maybe it's Earth

Pascal Garber JumpLink

Art+Code Studio Germany

Michael Guber guberm
C# and Python Dev

Canada, ON

Bin Yong YongBinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
And whichever way he tilts it. Know that we must be resilient. We won't let them break our spirits. As we sing our silly song


Maria Lisina Sarisan


Batur Akkurt batur
aka "Pax Tartarica" just developer, software and other things | ham radio operator | TA2ULK

İstanbul, Turkey

Certainly not a dev. Python / GDscript beginner. French.
rukh rukh-debug
hello world!
