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Matthieu gooberries

Upper Limits Midwest, Inc. 1205 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL, 62704

Julio Cesar Pereira da Silva JuliusCaesars
I am Industrial Electronics Technician, Tecnolog in Data Processing. Studant Data Scienc and IA.

Santos, State of São Paulo, Brazil

I make worlds for VRC
Wolfie K-Wolfe
Hello, Universe!

Somewhere in the Galaxy...✨

Alan Graf alangraf
Software Developer

Joyson Safety Systems Berlin

Seva D. vaguue
What if trees produce oxygen as a strategy to cultivate us, only to consume our bodies when we die and decompose?
AfroCodeSamurai M3GA-MAK3R
Building the future, one line of code at a time. Cyberpunk vibes, Afrofuturism spirit, and a warrior's heart. My growth mindset fuels my journey. Let's code!
