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Tilman Berger tlmnb

@inovex Karlsruhe, Germany

Marcel Ludwig malud

@milecrew Germany

Bjørn techniker
doing electronics, software and network stuff, aviator, sailing, CCC ,@c3roc_ - When it gets boring, I used to play piano. (These views be mine.) 🌈

Frachtwerk GmbH Berlin

Mohammed Chaibi mochaibi
Software Engineer

Aachen, Germany

Wesley Ma-ve
Software Engineer from The Netherlands.

The Netherlands

Jonas Meier jonasmeier1212
Backend Developer @grid-x

@grid-x München

Hendrik Nicolaysen hnicolaysen

gridX GmbH Aachen, Germany

Alex alexgridx
Backend Developer & TeaPOT enthusiast 🫖 #418

@grid-x Berlin

Alex alexmsenger

@zalando Berlin

Umar Tahir Umartahir93

gridX gmbh Munich, Germany