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Kamran Ahmad kam7779

The George Washington University Washington, D.C.

Noa Lugiai lugiainoa
Finance and Statistics Student @ GW

Washington, DC

Kabiru Garba Wudil1
I'm Kabiru Garba, born and brought up in Wudil, Kano State, Nigeria. I attended all my schools in Nigeria up to Post Graduate Diploma.

Alu Dandarman Road Wudil Gaban komi Quarters, Kano State, Nigeria.

Trevor tjc801

@gwuniversity Washington, D.C.

Venkatesh Venkat-Git98
Hi, I’m Venkatesh S 👋 🚀 Machine Learning Engineer | AI Researcher | Data Enthusiast
Sunil Shah Sunilshah-7
Hey, I am a developer. Wanna talk about technologies and frameworks related to web and mobile. Let's have a chat.


Reed Salus rsalus
Software Engineer @ Microsoft. @lvlup-sw owner. Interested in DevOps, Cloud, and Backend.


Prakriti Bista itsmepraks

MS CS @ George Washington University Washington DC

Anurag Dhungana Aarekaz
Python Developer/Data Analyst. Building and scaling products that I believe would genuinely create an impact.

Washington, DC, USA

Yifu Li liyifu93
Ph.D. student interested in smart grids and machine learning

The George Washington University Washington, DC

Rhynu Hez Sigma711
A man keen on coding. A cofounder of @InfraSail. A fan of C, C++, Go, Rust and server-end & database technique.

@Baidu @taichi-dev @InfraSail @TranswarpCN Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

Remy Ndayizeye rbutare
Medical doctor and global health education specialist with 6 years of experience in non-profit and primary health care sector.

Herndon, VA

Ryan Watkins ryanrwatkins
Professor at George Washington University, and developer,, and

GWU, Parsing Science, SciencePods, We Share Science Washington DC

Alexis Feagans afeagans

The George Washington University

Bao Le lebao1984

The George Washington University

Jill Lacey jillian-lacey

The George Washington University


The George Washington University

Aaron C Engler aaron-c-engler
Senior Systems Administrator, Drupal Developer


Neal cosaintneal

Cosaint Cyber LLC 6564 Loisdale Court, Suite 600, Springfield, VA 22150

Mark Febrizio mfebrizio
Data Analyst | Python & R User | Former @regulatorystudies

Washington, DC

Christopher Caldwell cudgel
Senior Security Engineer

The George Washington University Washington, DC