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David Dalmau Ginesta ddgunizar
PhD candidate (Data science / organometallic chemist) at @jvalegre


Ryotaro Okabe RyotaroOKabe

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Shiv Upadhyay shivupa
Current: Postdoctoral Scholar | University of Washington | Xiaosong Li Lab Former: Graduate Student | University of Pittsburgh | Kenneth D. Jordan Lab

Seattle, WA

Chong Sun sunchong137
When awake: experimentalist with numerical apparatus. When asleep: thinker.

Austin, TX

Dileep Korlapati saidileep-knv
Texas A&M University, College Station
Jourmore jourmore
Ambition and Interest, Whatever Floats Your Boat!

SiChuan University China/Sichuan/ChengDu

Dacheng Kuai dankuai
I am a physical chemist with research focused on atomistic simulations of interfacial phenomena.

Texas A&M University

Abdullah Saber Abdullahsaber86
MSc in chemistry.


Sur Soumyadeep soumyadeep1dmse
Materials Informatics Enthusiast


Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Danyal Rehman danyalrehman
Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Mila - Québec Artificial Intelligence Institute. Visiting Researcher at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. Ph.D. from MIT.

@mila-iqia @broadinstitute @mit Montréal, Québecc

Mustafa Alsalmi mustafaalsalmi1999
BEng (Leeds), MSc (Lincoln), MPhil (Oxford)


Qi (Ryan) Zhang singularitti
Postdoc in computational physics / materials science, Julia language enthusiast

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM, USA

Chengcheng Xiao Chengcheng-Xiao
Postdoctoral researcher @ Imperial College London. Predicting how electrons move since 2016. Currently working on ONETEP.

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom

J. George JaGeo
❤️ Materials Informatics. Junior Group Leader @BAMresearch and Professor at University of Jena, Germany. Before: PostDoc at UCLouvain and PhD at RWTH Aachen

Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing Berlin, Germany

Guobin Zhao sxm13

Pusan National University Korea Busan

Gabe Gomes gabegomes
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University with the @gomesgroup | Departments of Chemistry + ChemEng
Krishna Kurtakoti krishnakurtakoti
Software developer

Harman, Client: Bengaluru

Keiran Rowell keiran-rowell-unsw
My personal account is @keiran-rowell

The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

Leticia Madureira Leticia-maria
Computational Chemist. Developing good software for Quantum Algorithms in Julia. PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University.

@JuliaChemicalReactions, @HartreeFoca Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Vitor Almeida vtralmeida
PhD Student at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Photocatalysis using MOF's.


Janex qihaoxiaoai

Madison, WI

Lin Min Htoo linminhtoo
ML Lead @ Biotech Startup. Combining Domain Knowledge and AI to make the world better. Ex-MIT (USA). Ex-NTU (SG).

QDX Singapore

Carson Farmer cfarm6
- Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

Nicholas Hadler nhadler
I'm a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley working on applying machine learning to transition metal catalysis in the @Hartwig-Group.

@Hartwig-Group Berkeley, California