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sevrino sevrino

Hyupsung University, Computer Engineering


High School at South Korea Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Euiseo Cha zeroday0619
I am interested in computer science & engineering and accelerated computing.

Wonkwang University, @ubuntu-kr Seoul, Republic of Korea

nulta nulta

Kyungpook National University South Korea

Philip Hyunsu Cho hcho3
Lead maintainer of XGBoost. Area of interest: Machine learning systems & algorithms.

NVIDIA Las Vegas, NV

Hoto Ras HotoRas
In ROKA: Feb.5 2024 ~ Aug. 2025; Like playing / modifying games, especially about rhythm one Dev team of @nekoplanet

Somewhere you can google it

Qwreey qwreey
Hobby hobby happy~ Developer 자칭 5년차 서버, 웹, 시스템 취미 엔지니입니다. 경력이 강하지 않지만 잘 부탁드립니다 반갑습니다 🤝 Somewhere in the memory

🏠 Working from home

@harmonyland @kafumoe Korea