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Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Nasir Uddin nasirtrekker
Senior Data Scientist; Deep Learning Engineer; PhD in Genetics; Futurist, Life Long learner


Francisco Coelho xicopitz
Young developer that loves hard challenges.

Lisbon, PT

Adrian Friedli koalatux

@husqvarnagroup Zürich, Switzerland



Steven (Xiushi) Shen Xiushishen
Perception Software Engineer @ Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI)

Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI) Utah

Reto Schneider rettichschnidi
Fish plus time

@husqvarnagroup Switzerland

Mark ter Weele markterweele
Application engineer / SCCM and freelance programming and linux stuff

The Netherlands

Miles Hopper miles-hopper
Data Engineer @sogeti

@Sogeti @husqvarnagroup Stockholm, Sweden