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Nicolas Couture ncouture
Continuously Growing 🌳

Stormvault Networks Canada

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Artem Danilchenko art-injener


Bryan Honof bryanhonof
Software Engineer @flox

@flox Belgium

Derek Mullin echicken
Not an actual chicken.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Michael Paepcke paepckehh
Infosec / OSS Security Supply Chain / Cloud-Hybrid (local-first) / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NixOS / Go ... and having fun with local LLM's.

Hamburg, Germany

Daniel Isaksen dunielpls
Primarily working with .adb/.ads, .c, .cc, .erl, .ex, .hs, .js, .py, and .rs.

Bane NOR SF Trondheim, Norway

Michael G. Katzmann VK2BEA
Electronics engineer & radio amateur - NV3Z, VK2BEA & G4NYV. ex ATN7 Sydney / Broadcast Sports Tech. / Library of Congress

Heterodyne Radiophysics Washington DC

Paul Tagliamonte paultag
@Debian developer, @hylang core, former @OpenSourceOrg director