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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


0bi0n3 0bi0n3
Sonic quester within the digital realms #gameaudioprogrammer #sounddesign #gameaudio

Godalming, Surrey

Linux Embeded System Developer
kounsokiri kounsokiri

+&- location,location...

It-Chimpanzee iamnarayana
Soul Disassembler Specialist
XOcean SouthCraftX
You see:there exists a wider ocean for us to code the world
Roman Edirisinghe rediris
Breaking the interwebs since 1996.

United States

Ferdinand Jamitzky jamitzky

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching b. München

Matthew voxelphase
Creating immersive audio and visual experiences with the aim of empowering a wide audience.

United States

Jessica McElroy scmstr
Software Developer, Sound Designer, Game Developer

Seattle, WA

Thales Roel T-Roel

Coimbra, Portugal

Felipe Bruno eagorafelipe
fiz faculdade de computador, faço uns programas no trabalho, ando de bicicleta, assisto séries e um dia pretendo ir pro espaço

VRSoftware LTDA. Limeira/SP - Brazil

Atsushi Hasumoto atsushi-rh
The die was cast.

Volunteer Japan

Peter L Jones pljones
Programmer, drummer.

London, UK

Yuichi Sano drobune
Freelance programmer

Tilda, Inc Kyoto, Japan

Arun Mukundan
Umut Pajaro Velasquez umutpajaro
Eurofan,Migrante,CosteñoArgento, Geek, Queer, Com. Social, Mg. en Estudios Culturales, futuro Phd. en AI in Ethics., Melomano, Linux User, F1 fan y Artista

AI Researcher Cartagena, Colombia

Knochenschall Knochenschall
... fokkin Vodoo Magick!

Essen (Ruhr Valley)

gabriel-bric-yud gabriel-bric-yud
Music Teacher, Web Audio, Web Development
Vincent Berthiaume vberthiaume
Audio programmer, drummer, producer. Loves C++, synthesizers, abrasive music, and funky coffee.

Ottawa, ON, Canada

ph3nac ph3nac
coding for independent artists.
hehua2008 hehua2008
