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Jo G. jo-elimu
Software Architect


Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Igor de campos igorcampos-dev
👨‍💻 Desenvolvedor Java

LoopIt Sou de Canoas/RS

Hristo Iliev hiliev
Computo ergo sum // PhD in physics; Roofline model climber; Chief data scientist @notolytix

@notolytix Sofia, Bulgaria

Hongyu Zhang orion-orion
Learning Theory | Online Optimization | Data Mining | former captain of @SCPCLab

Kyoto University Sichuan, China

Moses Kippe mavrk-mose
digital craftsman

sumo labs Iringa

Muhammet Ali Köker alikoker | Computer & Mechatronics Engineer | Software Developer | MSc: Computer Forensics & Cyber Security | BSc: Business

Ministry of Interior & Argus Ankara, Turkey

Tiago Bento tiagobento

@IBM @apache Boston, MA

greekw igreek

360 深圳

Chengyu Yan CheneyYin
@IcarusDB :bicyclist: Big Data Developer

Wuxi, China

datadupy datadupy
Data Engineer


小麦 hubin1108
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
taro-秋刀鱼 taroyutao
Hello World!

Alibaba hangzhou

Patrick Waweru PatrickWaweru
Computer and Electronics Engineer
Satish Ayyaswami satishayyaswami
Senior Technology Executive with two decades of experience


Jeeson Mai Jeeson-Mai
Nothing is all.

GDUT Guangzhou,China