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Thom Ivy thomivy
technologies cultural and coded

Austin TX

Blythe Christopher blythechristopher
Program Manager for money/resources, DAO LLC Member/Owner, Geek, love to use tools. Austin, TX

0x730 0x730

0x730 Bucuresti. Romania

Beatriz Meythaler (Schaut) BeaMey
UX designer with a solid foundation in legal services and a focus on innovation through AI and user-centric strategies.


boo9ieman imboogieman
Boo! Follow me on

Whatdahack?! Tel Aviv

Mete Öncü meteoncu
Developing SaaS for E-Commerce, Shipping, & ERP. Focused on Order & Warehouse Management solutions for efficient fulfillment.

Software Engineer Turkey

so_hell noobCode-69
software engineer playing with <react.js/> and {typescript} . fan of open-source
Arnav arnavbee
Madhur Mongia madhurMongia
Full-Stack Developer


Eliécer R. Hernández F. Paraguanads

@DexKit Punto Fijo, Venezuela

Buki O LTTOguns
Research Summary Writer, Smart Contract Research Forum | Emerging Tech Lawyer, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity Law |

BBO Solicitors Lagos

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Marcos Meneses MAMware
after 30 years, back to code


Frances He Franceshe
An Engineer for atom + bits, Major in Physics & Minor in Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering @ UIUC. Founder of @yolominds:

Yolominds.Inc Earth/Mars/SolarSystem

Shittu Abdullah Habscodes
|💻 Web Developer | |🌐 Web3 Learner | |♟️ Chess Player | |🦀Rustacean |

Hablospace Tech Lagos,Nigeria

Mani Brar mani99brar
Full Stack Developer, building at @kleros


dumgayretard itsalfiesolons
Former real life Repo Man turned Repo Man online. Left old job b/c I got sick of predatory lending taking advantage. Here 4 predatory repos. eggsployt

Fake Company Pty Ltd X: Elon's replies

Himanshu Joshi joshimanshu
Full-Stack || Next.js || Web3

Udaipur, Rajasthan

Shirin.abdz ShirinAbdz
🔴 Curious Front-end Developer 🟠 Graduated Software Engineer 🟡 Artist & Designer 🟢 Tech Enthusiast 🔵 Logical Code Designer


Himanshu joshi HimanshuJ011
Full-Stack Developer || CSE @technoindianjr


Hema HemaDeviU
Solidity Engineer | Blockchain Developer | Smart Contract Architech & Programmer | Open to Work
lantianlaoli cxp-13

Melon China ShenZhen

Daniel Boscan danibosna
I like to forge solid relationships with my clients and collaborators, who then become partners, who then become friends.


Christian Gaayuoni GaayuoniC
Passionate about software development and always open to learning new technology. Looking forward to collaborating with like minded professionals.

Bonn, Germany