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Srinivasa Rao Talupooru Srinivasaraotalupooru
{ Microsoft Certified Azure Developer | Senior C# Developer | .NET Core | ASP.NET MVC | SQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript }

Irwin Mitchell Crawley, United Kingdom

Eliot Cole influential-eliot
Hi, I'm Eliot Cole, a Microsoft 365 engineer working for Influential Software

Influential Software London

Artsiom baranouskiart
Product Business Analyst with 9 years’ experience in outbound marketing.

Upwork Gdansk

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Juan Diego Godoy Robles juandiegogodoy-tomtom
Data Engineer

TomTom Almería, Spain

Jonah Andersson jonahandersson
Auhor of Learning Microsoft Azure (O'Reilly), Senior Azure Consultant, Developer, Microsoft MVP, MCT, and Cloud DevOps Engineer who codes in C# .NET with Azure


Lyon Till ljtill
Software Engineer @microsoft

@Microsoft London, GB

Mohan Jayabal kumarmohe
Microsoft Developer starting from Visual Basic 4.0, MS SQL Server 6.0 days...

Charlotte, NC