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Tristan NGUYEN manolaz
Emerging techs enthusiast.


Dhruv Varshney Dhruv-Varshney-developer
Blockchain Engineer. Smart contract Dev. Blockchain writer. Building Agent4rena @NethermindEth

@NethermindEth India

w.sol wdotsol
W a day keeps the L's away. My Github was specifically made for IslandDao and Turbin3
NickNut (Mykola) Se76
Solana enthusiast

Markgräfin Wilhelmine Gymnasium Nuremberg, Germany

Enoch Danijel Danijel-Enoch
🌐 Full-Stack Web3 Dev | Node🌱Nest🏗Next | Solidity💎Rust🦀 | TypeScript🔷 | Web3 Bot 🤖 | SDK Engineer 🛠 | Building a decentralized future, one line of code.
Diannahoward d1annahoward
I like variety in bed - I sleep in different pajamas every night.....
med medicrin
Movement is life!
Santiago Santiago857
Strive for excellence, be like me ;)
0xboji2004 👑 0xBoji
I am a proficient software engineer specializing in full-stack web development, with a keen interest in cloud service deployment. I am passionate about Web3.

Sui & HyperLiquid Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Danilo Guanabara notdanilo

@sensorial-systems São Paulo, Brazil

Daniel Burlacu daniel-burlacu
Fullstack developer & Blockchain consultant.

BehindMasksSociety Valencia

Babur Makhmudov bmuddha
Love to explore how things work

MagicBlock Manali, India

Member @okto-hq by CoinDCX
abc0xmattyic333 abc0xmattyic333
彡 || ;; sie haben den betreiber gefunden 🥶🧊 || ⓗ𝐞/нᎥ𝕞 || 彡 ⚡️ ♦️


Qalqi qalqi
People believe in magic, I believe in open source

Qalqi Inc. Universe

We love Incentivized Testnets, running nodes, web3, Validator, DeFi, DEX, Open source, Open data, Open finance, DYOR, Stay Safe, be Decentralized


Stone StoneFinal
Lukas Korganas DoctorSlimm
Advanced search and retrieval

web360 London

dabei miaobei5555
a computer programmer
HoaTV hoatv2211
Senior Unity Dev $Game Love$

OneMAD VietNam

endless endlessbuilder
Passionate, creative, and proactive developer with experience in Full Stack development - Frontend & Backend, Solana, EVM, smart contract, integration, web3.

@Full Stack @Blockchain Web2&3 @Software @Development

k1ic k1ic


Haruki Kondo mashharuki
Web3やAI、AWSなど幅広く勉強中。学生時代はヨット部に所属しており4年間江ノ島の海で活動していました。 情報処理安全確保支援士 第022981号


Memxor memxor


Ramesh Sachan holps-7
Game, Smart Contracts & Web3 | On-chain gaming @IntoTheVerse | Building on Ethereum, Celo, Solana, Aptos, Cosmos

IntoTheVerse Inc. IPFS

Brandt Cormorant brandtcormorant
Diving deep beneath the waves to get some dinner.
Naman Anand iamnamananand996
Rust, TypeScript, GraphQL, REST API, Frontend Design Patterns, low-level UI component design, Solana blockchain, and AI applications.
