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Guilherme Marcello guilherme-marcello
Computer and Data Science @ University of Lisbon

TEKEVER Lisbon, Portugal

eddy seonghyun26
I'm a graduate student in Computer Science and Engineering at Machine Learning Lab @ POSTECH, advised by Sungsoo Ahn.


Yesong Ko. Master's student at ML lab, CSE, POSTECH


Dongyeop Lee edong6768
Master's student at the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence in POSTECH and a Student Researcher at Google

POSTECH Seoul, Republic of Korea

Kim, Seongsu seongsukim-ml
Ph.D candidate of A.I. in POSTECH. AI for science and generative model for material

POSTECH Pohang, Republic of Korea

ChangHyun, Choi windust7
Hello WoRLd!

Seoul National Univ.

Jisheng Dai jsdaiustc
Ph.D., USTC. Since 2023, Professor, Donghua University.

Donghua University Shanghai, China

Seokyun Ha BlueHorn07
Bachelor of CS & MATH at POSTECH 📚 Data Engineer & K8s enthusiast at Bagelcode

Bagelcode Seoul, Korea