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CNISIDIS cnisidis

CNISIDIS Athens, Greece


RWTH Aachen University Germany

Alesandro Dragnev adragnevVW

Vectorworks Inc. Sofia, Bulgaria

Vlado VectorworksDeveloper

Vectorworks Inc 7150 Riverwood Dr, Columbia MD 21046

Gustas Savickas djsawicko
A teenager with girl boss energy 💅


Giorgio Spinoni thespino
Hey there! I am using Whatsapp.

Sequar SRL Italy

Pete Peeeet

Los Angeles

Richie Mickan rmick

Melbourne, Australia

Theo TheoCUC
A PhD student in CUC
Ben Voigt brvoigt

Derivative Toronto

Lightingtweaks Bunty-hash
I am lighting programmer, operator and designer who work mainly on MA Lighting systems and I love to know more about computers and their technologies
atvsb atvsb
That Liminal Space where Creativity and actuality collide.
Matt Hubbs matt-hubbs
Audio Product Planner at Vectorworks
Dawson Seibold DawsonSeibold
iOS, Mac & Web Developer

COBRA Firing Systems Montana