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Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


Roarke McNaught roarkemc
Market Risk Specialist at Enbridge Inc. Financial risk professional w/ 15+ years in trading, quantitative risk, and advanced data analytics.

Enbridge Inc. Houston, TX

Theoretical Physics. Cosmology
Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Balduin mbjd

ETH Zürich Zürich, CH

Beopsoo Kim BeopsooKim
Ph.D. Candidate, ECE, Inha University

Inha University Incheon

Kwangki Kim kwangki-kim
Control and Robotics Scientist

Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University Incheon, Republic of Korea

mnh maruthinh
Scientific computing, CFD, HPC, AL/ML

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Piotr Rozyczko rozyczko

European Spallation Source ERIC Copenhagen, DK

Gary Styger GS76
I have over 20 years of experience in mechanical design, finite element analysis, residual stress measurement and technical software support and training.

Private South Africa

Federico E. Benelli fedebenelli
Chemical Engineer, PhD candidate on phase equilibria behaviour on reservoir oil. Doing most of my calculations in Fortran and Python

IPQA - CONICET Córdoba, Argentina

Abdullah Ahmad 2AUK
Theoretical Chemistry PhD Student interested in molecular liquids and solvation properties Email:

University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland

Mark Brezina COPtoLON
My username comes from the flight route I travel by to visit my girlfriend.

En route to Heathrow Airport

Alberto Lusiani alusiani
Experimental Particle Physics Researcher


Surya sk-surya
Operations Research Software Engineer

Texas A&M University '20 College Station

Tci Gravifer Fang Gravifer
Zu nihilum gehöre; Den iukoto echo tipote. Festina! Delai cto chocesh quand tu le pouvez encore!

Tsinghua University Beijing

johnnie mengistu johnmengistu


Chrinide chrinide
Johannes Gebert JoGebert
PhD Student at the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart @biomechanics-hlrs

HLRS Nobelstraße 19, 70569 Stuttgart

Gokmen Kilic gokmenkilic
Research Software Engineer @ University of Durham

exp Durham, UK

Tom Cross Tjcross31
Thomas Cross is a Doctoral student at the Oxford Thermofluids Institute exploring Glaciated Ice Icing and Shedding in Gas Turbines
Trained as Computational Physicist, I love to solve scientific and engineering problems via computational methods. Modern Fortran, Linux, Parallel computing…

Nuremberg, Germany

Libin Lu lu1and10

Flatiron Institute - Center for Computational Mathematics

Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Zhiyang Ong eda-ricercatore
A multilingual, globetrotting cultural chameleon pursuing U.N. SDGs

Design Automation Renegades In passato, vicino al Dolomiti

ZR Han happyTonakai
Student. Plz give me $!

Student 701 7th St NW, Washington, DC

cobaltyang cobaltyang
My research direction is machine learning and deep learning. I have some experience in Python.

Bei Jing

Oscar Ruiz RUCO13
PhD in Photonics, working in experimental Solid State Physics and computational physics.
Guard GuardZ
Do nothing, Think everything

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China