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Wilfred Tinega WilfredTinega

@freelance Kenya

Joshua Walker jshwlkr
I never kissed a bear. I never kissed a goon. But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room.

@michiganengineering Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Lex Devlin lex-devlin-til
Consultant with The Information Lab. This is my professional account.
Matthew Yang muthusalami
digital archivist && media preservationist

@thegetty Los Angeles

Brian Mackey bemackey
I host the public radio program "The 21st Show," which can be heard on seven NPR stations across Illinois.

@willpublicmedia Springfield, Illinois

Kim LaRocca 🌈 kimlarocca
CTO at Equalicert, Senior Software Engineering Manager at New York Public Radio, Vue & Nuxt Enthusiast, Chief Mom Officer x3

@nypublicradio Morristown NJ

Mahmudul Hasan mahmudz
I like building things, whatever comes into my mind.


Al Mahmud lincolndu
Senior Software Engineer

Info Station Dhaka