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Scott McCleary isuscott
Open Publishing Editor for the Iowa State University Digital Press

Iowa State University

MD.Shoeb Lincoln The-Lincoln
Web Application Development and Social Development Worker

Object Oriented Platform Bangladesh Dhaka

Andy Wilkinson MeonValleyWeb
Experiments with wordpress and has a few eComm sites

Meon Valley Web UK

Anoop akurungadam
an earthian

@earthians Kozhikode, Kerala

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Omshivaprakash H L omshivaprakash
Digital Archivist, Entrepreneur, Building Linguistics Tech & Archival initiatives for Art, History, Culture, Literature. #Sanchaya #ServantsOfKnowledge #Sanchi


Charlotta "Lottie" Beavers uLottie

Equarc Movement Tech, Inc. New York

Kristopher Purzycki PurzyckiUWGB
Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA

Ned Zimmerman greatislander
Island kid. Senior developer @inclusive-design, owner-operator @bight.

@bight, @inclusive-design Punamu’kwati’jk, NS

Hugh Rundle hughrun
Scale down not up.

Melbourne, Australia

Felipe Dalcin fdalcin
Developer @pressbooks

Pressbooks Montréal, QC

Oscar Arzola arzola
Eclectic Developer

code at @pressbooks Montréal, Québec