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Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Super super9157
I value communication and teamwork, constantly upgrade my skills with the latest tech, focus on high-quality code and meeting deadline. Interesting? Email me!!!

Software Industry Work from Home

Leonardo Lemos mrlemoos
Frontend Engineer, software architecture enthusiast, and open-source contributor. 🚀


Malek Gara-Hellal FindMalek
Just a random guy that loves programming.

@Jobflow-io, @undrstnd-labs Tunisia, Monastir

John Rocela jamoy
Javascript and Stoicism


surendra.oi surendrapm
Contributing to DEV


Muhammad Shaheer shaheersystems
Building innovative solutions with code and creativity.

Navicosoft Lahore, Pakistan

Hugo Corta hugocxl
Tech Lead @vitruve-labs

@vitruve-labs Spain

Onur Önder onderonur
Senior Frontend Developer @Nesine · Ege University Computer Engineering · Ege University Civil Engineering

Nesine İzmir, Turkey

Pratham Yadav ypratham
Student | Learner | Developer

Navi Mumbai, India

Hein Htoo heinhtoo
Fullstack Freelance Software Developer


Jason Yang chunyou0830
Founder & CEO, Tera Thinker Dept. of EECS, National Tsing Hua University, TW

@tera-thinker Taiwan

Adarsh kumar singh adarsh-technocrat
GSoC'21 @jboss-developer | Open-Source Enthusiast | contributor @ flutter/samples | Co-Founder @ | Full-Stack Web Dev


Buns Enchantress BunsDev
DevRel Engineer @smartcontractkit

@SmartContractKit USA

Qilin Yang kiriny
A caffeine-dependent life form.

Ames, IA

Deiby Mejia Ruiz elmaedesistemas
Software Engineer

San José, Costa Rica

Steven Tey steven-tey
building @dubinc | prev: ▲@vercel

@dubinc SF

MD Mahbub Hasan Saad MahbubHS
Next-gen Programmer 💻✨

Own Company Bogura , Bangladesh

Galeups Galeups
Frontend developer #Angular #React 🤘
Aritra Saharay Ari-S-123
CS @ Northeastern University

Khoury College of Computer Sciences San Francisco Bay Area

RayMiles RayMiles94
I am javascript / odoo developer who like to create full stack applications for solve problemes and improve open source projects.


Al Hasib dev-hasib
Everything is logical

Satkhira, khulna, Bangladesh

Farioso Fernando fariosofernando
(...) I fear my tomorrow self, for it carries the weight of criticizing who I am now.

@Piminder Moçambique

Bohdan Chokhlenko den-ffv
Full-Stack Web Developer

Ukraine / Kyiv

Bruno Maffei brunomaffei


Mr Tung mrtungdev
A simple tech guy

@StickyQR Đà Nẵng

Sergei Bezuglyi sergeibezuglyi

TaurusSoft Cascais, Portugal

Chintan Soni iChintanSoni
Lead Engineer @ IBM | Ex Lead Engineer @ HCL Tech

@ibm Bengaluru, Karnataka

Tony Olsson Bobotech79

IT Consultant Örebro, Sweden