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Francesco Francesco-1-7
Tech enthusiast :)


A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Filippo Romani filipporomani
18y/o python developer, custom hardware/software maker and developer, MCU enthusiast. EASA licensed drone operator.

ITIS Tullio Buzzi Prato, Italy

Æ Piotti aepiotti
MSc Data Science Student

Milan, IT

Matteo Vitali trottomv
Sociologist by training, passionate about free software and open source... 🐍 Pythonist Developer, Backend Software Engineer and DevOps

@trottomv Pesaro, Italia

Patrick Arminio patrick91
Working on @strawberry-graphql, a Python library for creating GraphQL APIs 🍓 @pythonitalia // @EuroPython

@fastapi London

Computer Science Student. Can contact me on discord: Ilgrand
Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
I work at @qbnetworks which is a Cyber Security company that serves to the public 24/7/365. Commits by @masscollabs account and I lead to @procyberian PSD

@qbnetworks İstanbul , Türkiye

Dag7 dag7dev
i'll take your brain to another dimension

Dag7 Inc. Outta space

Ali Mohamed alin00r
Passionate Node.js Engineer skilled in designing, testing, and implementing software applications.


Marco Selva kito129
🖥 Backend SWE ♥ Open source 🐍 Pythonista

TMC Italia S.p.a italy

Manlio Puglisi PManlio
Master Degree in Computer Engineering, bitch >:c - Foftware programmer :B

Mono. Catania, Italy

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin

Christian Staudt clstaudt
freelance data scientist / machine learning engineer


António Pedro antonio-pedro99
Software Engineer | Ex-Undergraduate Researcher at IIITD's MIDAS Lab | LFX mentee'23 at CNCF working on Strimzi | OpenHack'2

Devexperts Angola, Luanda

Edoardo Abati EdAbati

Thomson Reuters Switzerland

Alessandro MrZio
Maybe I'm understanding something about computer science
marcy2011 marcy2011
I am an Italian web developer 💻


Davide dgpaci

Softwell Milan

Nicola Procopio nickprock
Passionate about science and technology. Self-taught coder.

ACSoftware Vibo Valentia

Andrea Guzzo JeyDi
CTO @intellatech, Founder and organiser @PythonBiellaGroup Tech, AI, Videogame, and Music could be different?

@intellatech Basel

Alessandro Maggi DicyRoll

@ambercom-srl Verona, IT

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
baggiponte baggiponte
{ "@xtreamsrl": "ML Engineer", "@functime-org": "core-dev", "@PythonMilano": "Local organiser" }


Shawon Ashraf ShawonAshraf
The gradients vanished and so did I.

Bremen, Germany

Giuseppe Mastrandrea giuseppemastrandrea
Front end developer since 2011. Computer Science Teacher since 2017. Machine Learning Teacher from 2020. Master procrastinator since birth.

@Datamasters-it Bari

CDreamer cdreamer1
Full-Stack & Blockchain Developer | ReactJS & NextJS | NestJS & Golang | Solidity & Rust | Web3 | DApps | DeFi Solutions
Chiara Corrado kiaruzza
👾 Computer Science is Sexy, but it doesn't discriminate by Sex.
