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Felix Betancourt fbetanco
DACSS Student at UMASS and an HR professional trying to find stories to tell from organizational data.

Atlanta, GA

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics


Jordi Rosell jrosell

Aiguafreda, Barcelona

Alessandro Pizzigolotto chickymonkeys
Postdoc @Economics_UCPH. Meticulous Debugger. R, Python and trying to avoid Stata.

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

Rodrigo Pires bozaah

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Perth, WA, Australia

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Marco Bachini marbac74
Teacher of History and Philosophy, interested in NLP and related topics

Uzzano (PT) - Italy

Ernest Guevarra ernestguevarra
Public Health Specialist, Spatial Epidemiologist, R Developer

@katilingban Oxford

Felix Wortmann Callejón wortmanncallejon
Political Economist and Data Scientist

TWS Partners Berlin, DE

Sergei Pashakhin paskn
Researcher with Chair of Political Science, with special focus on Digital Transformations

University of Bamberg Bamberg, Germany

Liang Zhang psychelzh
I got my Bachelor, Master, and PhD diploma from Beijing Normal University majoring psychology and cognitive neuroscience.

China West Normal University Nanchong, Sichuan, China

jwijffels Brussels, Belgium

Ênio Saraiva Leão eniosaraiva
Entusiasta de como a tecnologia pode revolucionar o serviço público, se utilizado de forma inclusiva.

João Pessoa/PB

Mark Newman markanewman

DevIS Boonsboro, MD

Anton Könneke antonknk
MRes/PhD student in Political Science @ LSE SoWi @ HU-Berlin PolSci @ FU-Berlin


Andrej Pawluczenko Marwolaeth
Media analyst, performance geek, tidiness maniac. Former (and perhaps future) academic social anthropologist. ‘Marwolaeth’ is my old online nickname 😌

RSpectre Communications Agency Moscow, Russia

Tarun Tyagi taruntyagi1981
A Mechanical Design Engineer & Data Science Enthusiast


Johannes Breuer jobreu
Senior researcher & team leader at @gesiscss

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, Germany

Sanghoon Park pherephobia
Hi, I am a senior researcher in the Kangwon Institute for Unification Studies at the Kangwon National University.

Kangwon Institute for Unification Studies #405, Building of Visual-Bio, 1 Kangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, 24341, Republic of Korea

Samuel Groesch gr0esch
Research and Teaching Associate in the Media & Internet Governance Division at the University of Zurich. LSE | ZU.

UZH Zurich

Paride Carrara paride92
PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Bologna. Interested in text analysis

University of Bologna Bologna (Italy)

Ariana Antunes Arianaxsz
Data Scientist 🪐


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Lukas Warode lwarode
PhD Student in Political Science

University of Mannheim (Previously: POLITICO & Hertie School) Berlin/Mannheim

Noé Hernández Cortez NHCortez

Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas Zacatecas, Zacatecas

Dario Serrano-Puente serranopuente
PhD Candidate in Economics

Universitat de Barcelona (UB) & Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) Barcelona, Spain

Andrea Nini andreanini
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language at the University of Manchester | Forensic Linguist

University of Manchester Manchester, UK

Erica Ho CoCoLabErica
I used to write programs in Pascal, C++, and Java in the old days. Now, I use R, Python, and JavaScript for research, automation, and creation.

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

John Patrick Roach johnpatrickroach
Senior Software Engineer @ Pattern | Master's in Statistics, Data Engineer, Backend Developer, API Integration

@endexapp New York, NY