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Giovanni Panasiti giovapanasiti
I'm a full-stack web developer at ENPAM.

Fondazione ENPAM Rome, Italy

Rahoul Baruah rahoulb
Rubyist. CTO of @Collabor8Online. Head Dogsbody at @echo-dek. Keep your clients beautifully organised with @standard-procedure.

Standard Procedure Leeds, England

Matteo Rossi matteoredz
I'm a software developer, technical leader, and hands-on engineering manager, passionate about tackling complex problems with simple yet elegant solutions.

Milan, Italy

Christoph Grabo asaaki
Holistic Engineer. Methodical Deep Thinker. {he, they} 🦄👨🏼‍💻 at @contentful

@markentier Berlin, Germany

Chris Lowder clowder
Ruby Developer, CTO, YC alum.


Vadim Deryabin vad2der
Fullstack: Ruby(RoR), Elixir(Phoenix) Python(Flask) on the back end and Angular 2+ on the front.
