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i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


fr33m0nk fr33m0nk
A distributed computing aficionado , proficient in Go, Java, Clojure, Elixir. Contributor at @TheAlgorithms. Proud ex @gojek

New Delhi, India

Jung Han junghan0611
Meditations on Technology, Learning, Life with Text-editor #pkm #toolsforlife #emacs #hangul #lisp #authology


Yeono Park 박연오 bakyeono

@green-labs Seoul, South Korea

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
David.Gao DavidAlphaFox
Make Lisp great again.

Tongjiu Internet Technology Dalian,China

Tom Beckenhauer tbeckenhauer
I am interested in python, clojure, git, architecture, and machine learning.
Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Emmanuel Lazarte neverkas
Full Stack Dev, addicted to Emacs and Makefiles

Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Argentina, Buenos Aires

Delon R. Newman delonnewman
People, data, code.

Self Northern Maine