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Furetto126 Furetto126

Cupflow Studios Italy

Kristian Fredrik krirogn
A 22-year-old guy who loves to mess with software and mess up hardware

gentoo or macos

Ivan Bushchik ivabus
Waiting for something to happen?

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Alex S. Ultra980
A Romanian programmer interested in Linux, C and Lisps.

Bucharest, Romania

lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

Marie Katrine Ekeberg themkat
Emacs evangelist. Also loves Rust and retro computing

Oslo, Norway

Twert twert627
Did I hear coffee?

Washington, USA

Josh Hibyehello
Discord: Hibyehello#5498 A Mac User through and through
Ian Flett ianflett
🧬 Developing genomic pipelines for oncology; aiding cancer diagnosis with the power of the genome. 💪

@Illumina Cambridge, UK

Programmer, datahoarder, proud Canadian, not a baguette | Support Ukraine:

igloo land™

Violet (Larson) typecasto
I develop with a focus on code structure and building helpful abstractions. Mostly I use Rust, but I do use some Python now and again.

Missouri, United States.

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
aden saphes
0.5x developer
Adam Soutar adamsoutar
Games / Compilers / Emulators / Apps / Web
