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Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Programmer

Freelancer Egypt

Bitcoin-Core Contributor

Beijing China

Frédéric Auricombe bigbroseur
Like Hitech , In data-processing since 40y, Playing with Freqtrade, FreqAI and Python since 2023 and on Debian since 20y.

Sequent, Sun MicroSystems and Oracle France

Tech41 Gmbh tech41-de
We build blockchain, cloud and mobile solutions

Tech41 GmbH Hamburg

Hugo Noyma noymaxx
Working on Web 6.0 || Computer Science at Inteli
Erik Suhonen suhonen
Head of Ecosystem and Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (blockchain and token)


Marina Goritskaia freealise
☕Javascript, Node.js, Google Script, Java (with dictionary), Python ∿ Chrome OS, Android, Linux Mint | Debian

Social entrepreneur Prague, Czechia

Eliécer eliecerhf

@DexKit Venezuela

codeninja819.eth codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

Ephraim Sun ephraim888sun
Builder. Researcher.

Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


Mulosbron mulosbron
Node Operator - Mainnet Gateway Operator
#coder #cpp #cfd #testnet #linux #blockchain


danteGPT danteGPT

Leading Indicator Paradiso

mksm Makkuskqa
Solving problems
Rafian Raad rafianahmedraad
ML | Data Science

Daejeon, South Korea

Abdullah AbdullahCoban28
Discord @Abdullah2861
Karuppiah Natarajan karuppiah7890
Ooohhh.....I am Karups!!! Also known as Karuppiah

@OlaCabs Chennai, India

vevivo Vevivo

@vevivo turkey

Kubilay Bıyıkoğlu bakkalgazi42
I'm Developer on Blockchain


Daniel Marques Dkdaniz

Descentralizado Brazil

Rizki M rizkim2
Passionate about Safeguarding Blockchain Networks


Enigmatic Aura adicahyadir
Web3 Entusiest and i like cat 🐈

Live at Mars

maggicutie maggicutie
Blockchain Enthusiast
Charon Medby147
Blockchain security researcher


Pramono Utomo pramonoutomo
IT & Blockchain Enthusiasm, Founder @CodeBlockLabs - Blockchain Nodes Operator & Validator Community, Code & Trade Together. Part of Family

Surabaya, ID

Curious developer still in awe of the pb&j magic. Always open to growth; enjoy diving down rabbit holes if I think it will lead to something interesting.