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Lunae KitsuneDev
Software Developer, 21yo. Working on crazy projects - just because “why not”?

SUNE Studios Fairfield, CT

Armin PouyaniArmin
Web designer and developer skilled in PHP, SQL, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, and Laravel. Enthusiastic about using Docker and Linux environments
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Suero Suero152
If you're going to try, go all the way.

@touch-karvz A good place.

Chen ATravelerGo
记得联系我哦 以往Offer:转转、京东、大华



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Coding joypreetsinghbhullar
hi i'm coding, a self-taught developer. |

right here

Guilherme Camacho GocasPT
Informatics Engineering at ISEC. Age: 22

Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra Portugal, Leiria

Aleksei Kuznetcov AlekseiAQ
Senior Software Engineer (Golang, AWS)

United States

NiceKun CcNicebruh

@tuupercove Thailand

Tyler Richards tjrgg
Co-Founder @trpkit

@Trpkit Minnesota

ictye northgreen
a student ,have no time to update my project.


Hyperfire RS HyperfireRS

@Neptune-Services Canada

trong thelinuxpirate
Founding Father of @ThePirateCove;

ThePirateCove California

Mark Langston Mark-Langston

Information Technology Specialist I Sacramento, CA

Alexis Arhusien

@johnbotapp Canada, Québec

Junaid Jawed Junaidthesapfan
An Sap ABAP developer


Jesper Carlsson Coredump74

Coredump Network Solutions Norrköping, Sweden

phY pwnyprod
Unusual creative PHP-Developer. Also know other Programming-Languages as well.

@lekkerland SE Düsseldorf

Fifty fiftyy


Sam_Su SamsVT
I'm new there!


A E Z E N aezenbot
Simplify your Discord server experience with Aezen–blending functionality with simplicity!
Raushan Kumar Raushang4
raushang4 builds your application lightning fast with the latest AI model backed by the top industry leader.

raushang4 Noida

Wai Hlaing Jupiternerd
Full Stack & Artist. Hunter College, Class of '25.
Colby CoolColby23


Eden "Dylan" Kneale (ninjaninja140) ninjaninja140
A Typescript & Luau Developer! Full stack Web Developer (Node.js) Director at @Bracketed! Developer @jadevelopmentgrp

@Bracketed @jadevelopmentgrp UK, London

Meyel Cordoba mcordob

< Meyel Cordoba />

Night ArtifactyNight

Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand

Dustin Lennon dustin-lennon
Full Stack Web and Discord Bot Developer


Ticker TickerDev
Ticker is the name. CEO of @niroteam, just vibin' to the beat of life.

@niroteam @tgilabs United States