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Martin JM-creater
Software Developer

Alliance Software Inc. Cebu City

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Diego Ferreira Duarte dyegofduarte
Analista de infraestrutura e Redes | Analista Segurança da Informação | Perito em computação Forense Digital | Especialista em soluções Open Source
Rômulo Santos romulossilva
I am a systems analyst, I work in the area of support, security and development.

Correios Bauru/SP

André andrelfmp3
Studying a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the Federal Institute of São Paulo. Cybersecurity and ethical hacking enthusiast.

Sâo Paulo

Finhawk F1NH4WK
Programming everything for everyone!


Personal Tech Genasci
Sou especializado em manutenção de computadores, sistemas operacionais, com mais de 16 anos de experiência, perito e investigador forense digital.

Personal Tech Brasil - Bahia - Lauro de Freitas

Francielly Lima franciellyl
Developer | Big Data | Java | Software Engineer

Santander São Paulo, Brazil

Florian Rakete f-rakete

Rakete Mentoring Vienna

Dietmar Fackelmann fackelm2
Computer scientist, working in the field of Android smartphone forensics

Network Management IT (NMIT) Stuttgart, Germany

Gonçalo Sousa Goncalo-sousa
Digital Forensic Examiner | Master Student in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

Leiria, Portugal

Roberto de Lima Alcaras robertoalcaras
Roberto de Lima Alcaras - Desenvolvedor RPA

Grow tecnology

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Rogério Freire tgyuy

Security Safe Brasil

Andre Mury andremury
Work account. Portfolio account: @Mury12


Sou curiosa, estou sempre procurando algo para aprender e entender.
Christian Santos ChrisFrontDev
Front-end developer

Confidential Company Brazil

Pablo Noches pnoches
Cybercrime Investigator | Digital Forensics Analyst | Threat Hunter
Bruno Moreira martechbm
In construction...

Niterói - RJ - Brasil

Prof. JVidal profjvidal
Professor | Instrutor | Orientador de Estágio | Profissional de TI


Andre Pretto prettoandre
Data Engineer ( Clickhouse | kafka | Airflow ) & Software engineer

Porto Alegre - RS , Brasil

Pedro Henrique oqapzin
Web Developer

Brasília, Brasil