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Vinicius PortoVinicius
Hi my name is Vincius. I'm living in Brazil. I'm student of CS50's Introduction to Computer Science at


Kyle Ding KevinMyDing

San Francisco, California

David Eugene egdavid
David, 41 years old, Lead Full Stack Developer, 15 years XP. PHP/JS/TS/Go/Python and currently specializing in Rust.


PRIYANSHU tech0priyanshu
Software & ML Developer | CS @ Polaris School of Technology | Data Science & E-Cell @ IIT Madras


Chakib DAII Chakib-DAII
Tunisian Software Engineer, Java enthusiast.


Tracy B tlbadger09
Just an Insurance Agent trying to grow my business 😉

Badger Health Insurance LLC

znjqolf znjqolf


0xOse Patrick-Ehimen
Building @Traders-Insight • Full-stack Engineer • Blockchain Developer • Building ETH & Solana DApps.


Kunal kunal-drall
full stack web3 developer

Delhi, India

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

Asymmetric Global Information Advantage.


Raymond Lei(雷菩宇); 䨻-Ficus religiosa-Cousin ewdlop
Hi there! I did not know a machine could possibly have genders too! Damn it!; Please I am kindly asking you to foucs on yourself first. Talking cats be likely.

(Pretoria)732-740-5036 Ocean, New Jersey United States of America 07712

Haotian Ju jht6
Web Full-Stack Engineer | Web3

Shenzhen, China

codeninja819.eth codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

Confidence Ekeanya fido1hn
Web 3 Builder 🦀

Lagos, Nigeria

ojas ojasuno
DontDie, NetworkState, Web3


howzus dreamineering
Make it flow

dreamineering copenhagen denmark

Praveenkumar praveensparkout

Sparkout Tech Solutions Private Limited Coimbatore

Saakshi Raut saakshiraut28
Google DSC CORE'23 | Loves to Code 👩‍💻| Web3 Devloper| Designer | Open-source Contributor 🚀 | Content Creator.

Mumbai, India

张瑞泽 zhangruize

Chengdu, China

Deniss Ivannikov DenisButCheR
Senior BackEnd developer

Pipedrive Tallinn, Estonia

Muhammad Amri mhmadamrii
Software Engineer | Particle physics student

Rastek.ID Bandung, Indonesia

Henry Dell Faulkner Jr DjFaulkner89

Bayoutek LLC New Orleans, Louisiana

Florin Lacatus AlfazetOperations

Alfazet Operations Amsterdam