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zoey zoedsoupe
Software bricklayer and Computer Science student and of course, a great cook

@cloudwalk Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

piDev SPH73
An advocator of decentralised domains and domain names -> buy your handshake TLD domain, own it forever and join in...

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Yash Yashuday HeathKnowles
I am a developer and cybersecurity enthusiast with a keen interest in social engineering, open source, and frontend development.
Ana Rodrigo de Pablo anar39

London, United Kingdom

Omar Odeh omarodeh95
Software Developer

Amman, Jordan

Maks E. salfum
Back-end software engineer

Phuket, Thailand

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

Ahmed Wasfy pokerist

X Prime Solutions Egypt

Marco Gallegos marcogll
Fresa entre los cholos... Cholo entre los fresas... Programador de noche, dueño de salón de belleza de día...

Vanity Tech Saltillo Coahuila

Michał Sacewicz gatorek

Fresha @surgeventures

Lucas Breton labreton
Product Designer

Nuovo Artistic Studios Montreal

Mathew Garland swarmcommerce
An Elixir affecionado and Software Developer specialising in Elixir.

Swarm Commerce Melbourne, Australia

Altin Thaci altinthaqi

Fresha (@surgeventures) Kosovo

Maksim Pechnikov parallel588


Emanuele DelBono emadb
Software engineer. C#, Javascript, Ruby and Elixir.

CodicePlastico Italy

luca zulian lucazulian
software developer • escape meta alt control shift • he/him • 𝜆𝑥.𝑥 • creating tech debt one LoC at a time

Milan, Italy

nnq nnq1
Full stack web developer

Lublin, Poland

Saeed9321 saeed9321
Developer of S-Bypass jailbreak detection bypass tweak repo:
Adrian Labernia adri14233
Software engineer with 3 years of experience working with analytical tools such as Excel, SQL, DBT, Python, Docker and Tableau.
Szymon Jeż szymon-jez

@valified & @socialpaymentsbv Warsaw Metropolitan Area, Poland

Alper Nebi Kanlı alpernkanli
Senior Data Scientist with expertise in machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval, and data engineering.

Hepsiburada İstanbul

Suetrong Engineering suetrong
I like to build and create things make something out of nothing sometimes they are good and sometimes i am exploring
Michal Moczulski mrmike
Android Developer

Poznań, Poland

Marcin Świątkiewicz swiatkiewicz
Ruby, Elixir engineer.

Fresha Warsaw

Kaue Novais kauenovais

Agency Royal Hawk Brasil / Alphaville

vaishnav premanandan vaishnavpremanandan
MERN STACK Developer.. Improving my skills to achieve milestone.
