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Eirini Tsirvouli Eirinits

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway

Cancer systems biology • Single-cell phenomics
Saran PANKAEW saran-pankaew
Computational Systems Biologist Postdoctoral Researcher : Institut Curie Omics data, math model and all things in between.

Institut Curie Paris, France

Mahesh Jethalia MaheshJethalia
Bioinformatics guy

Kolkata,West bengal, India

Miguel Álvarez Herrera ahmig
Bioinformatics | Systems biology | SARS-CoV-2 evolution & bacterial metabolism reconstruction

@PathoGenOmics-Lab València, Spain

Leonardo Agasso LeonardoAgasso
Ph.D. student in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine @BioPhys-Turin

University of Turin Turin

Abderaouf Hamza Oufra
Clinical biologist specialized in cancer genetics.

Institut Curie Paris

PhD Student

Institut Curie

Javier Tenorio JavierTenorioC
Bionic engineer, and maths student passionate about computer science and mathematics
Marcelo Hurtado mhurtado13
Bioengineer | Bioinformatician @VeraPancaldiLab

Cancer Research Center of Toulouse Toulouse, France

Théophile Cantelobre theophilec

ex-@Inria @ENS @MinesParis France

loic-chadoutaud loicchadoutaud
PhD student in Computational Biology at Institut Curie, Prairie
Young bio-informatician. Currently pursuing a PhD on spatial transcriptomics.

Institute Curie Paris

Clément BENOIT clbenoit
Bioinformatician at CHUGA - Grenoble


Rahul V. Veettil vvrahul11
I like to solve network biology problems using graph machine learning and causal modeling

Evotec Bergamo, Italy

Emanuel Soda EmanuelSoda
“Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” ― Alan Turing


Nilesh Mukherjee MaxSimonNm

@4basecare Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Ali Fele Paranj alifele
Master's Student in Mathematics


pythseq pythseq
IR-CNRS (Bioinformatician) France

Vincent Noël vincent-noel
Researcher in the @sysbio-curie team at Institut Curie

Institut Curie São Paulo, Brasil/Paris, France