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Thejesh GN thejeshgn
{Thejesh GN ⏚ ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್} Hacker, Maker, Blogger, InfoActivist, Teacher, Developer, Web, FOSS, Open Data, Open Internet, Traveller, @datameet GPG0xC06DD6B

Independent Technologist Bangalore, India

Alexander Fritsch loudar
following optimism *>

@Targon-Industries Germany

Samarjit Sahoo samarjitsahoo
I am an enthusiastic coder driven by an unyielding passion for programming. With a strong dedication to mastering new technologies and solving complex problems.

India, Asia 🇮🇳

Dr Azad Rasul Azad77
As a geographer, I use programming, remote sensing and GIS methods and techniques to study land surface temperature, urban environment, and Earth observation.

Soran University

Alex alxbrd
alex + github at onboot dot org


J07H15H 5p4r70n
Another Homo sapien who can read code


Athul R T athulvis
I am updating my projects in

Pale Blue Dot

John Hobson jhob101

Damselfly Creative Derbyshire, UK

Angel C. angelc16
Software Developer

Tacna, Perú

Anton patepelo
Data Science

Barcelona, Spain

Jonathan Noack jonock
Passionate about open mobility and transportation data. Likes to mess around with Python and R to create beautiful visualizations. Basel, Switzerland

Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany


Óscar oxcar
Working at the intersection of human rights, technology, data, and open knowledge.

Tech Lead @codeandomexico Madrid • Mexico City • Washington DC

Roman Deev deevroman
Student at ITMO University, Software Engineering / DevTools, OpenStreetMap Fan
Simon Thiessen sjthiessen

Local-IT e.V. Lübeck, Germany

Dan Hugo DanHugoDanHugo
Civic Volunteer 24 hours each day at @InnovateForVegas , then I work at night…

ReallyCool Technologies, LLC Las Vegas, NV

Awad Abdelhalim aabdelhalim
Urban Mobility Researcher @ MIT | Transportation Engineer | Data Scientist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Christian Marcelo ctola91
Javascript Developer

Cochabamba - Bolivia

krobin robinkaranu

Augsburg, Germany

Chris Alfano themightychris Innovations Northern Liberties, Philadelphia

Ivy Sejas Saskia Rocabado IvySaskia
System Engineer Student / Full Stack Blockchain Developer. My biggest passion is coding and contribute. I love learning and practicing every day.

Freelance Cochabamba, Bolivia

b12f b12f
AKA Yule, AKA Ben. The future is declarative! 🎉

Cologne, Germany