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Andrés F. Camacho B. anfelipecb
MsCAPP Student at @uchicago Economist and Industrial Engineer, with a MsC in Economics from @uniandes. Spatial analytics professor. ML for the social good.

Chicago, IL

Rohit Kandala rok12003
Senior Survey Analyst @JoeBiden Generally interested in measuring how people think & feel about things.

Chicago, IL

Boya Zeng Boya-Z
Computer Science + Data Science @UW-Madison; Applied Data Science @uchicago


aadarsh agarwal aadarwal

The University of Chicago India


United States

Michael O'Leary olearymd
Systemic problem solver
krankenhaus krankenhaus55
i do things also man city is bad
Ziyu (Ashley) Ren AshleyZR
Undergraduate student @uchicago majoring in Psychology and Data Science

University of Chicago

Paul Roales proales

San Francisco, CA

Falcon Dai falcondai
ML researcher

Symbolica AI San Francisco

Imran Javaid imranjavaid
Software Engineer

Chicago, IL